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Finance authorities reject the Entrepreneur Relief proposal from Enterprise colleagues.

 Leo Varadkar's office requested improvements to the Entrepreneur Exemption on capital gains, but the Tax Strategy Group at the Treasury Department has shot down those requests.

With the help of this relief, the standard capital gains tax level of 33% is reduced to 10% for gains from the sale of eligible company assets. The total amount of gains that may be exempted has a lifetime cap of €1 million.

The Revenue Commissioners' CGT Entrepreneur Relief has an estimated cost of €94 million for 2019. 972 requests for this assistance were made that year.
 The existing lifetime barrier for Entrepreneur Relief has been changed to a "per venture" level at the request of the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment (DETE), in an effort to promote reinvestment.

According to DETE officials, doing this would guarantee that serial entrepreneurs may use the relief and that using the lifetime threshold inside one enterprise won't make it harder to start a second one in Ireland.

According to DETE officials, allowing entrepreneurs to profit from their following enterprises may significantly reduce deadweight and maintain the motivation for entrepreneurs to establish their companies in Ireland.

2012 to 2022 tax on capital gains yield

Leo Varadkar's administration officials have also argued with their counterparts in the Finance Department that this might enhance competitiveness in capital taxes and encourage business owners who sell their operations to invest in Irish companies rather than index funds.

Another option put forth by DETE, as according TSG papers, aims to encourage investment in companies from outside angel investors by eliminating the current operating time requirement, which states that a person must spend a minimum of 50% of one‘s working time with a group over three out of the five times previously to the disposal.

DETE also advocated for a corresponding adjustment, either to the existing lifetime limit of €1 million or, ideally, to the CGT rate that applies to gains beyond the lifetime threshold.


investing promotion


According to DoF representatives just on Tax Strategy Group, "this is based on the claim that there ought to be tax incentives to advertise investing in assets related to job formation in Ireland, such as shares in Irish SMEs, in addition to assets which are somewhat linked to growing employment in the community, like real estate and global stock market portfolios. According to others, this CGT outcome may encourage investors to switch from passive to active company investment.

The TSG did, however, go on to the Entrepreneur Relief topic, stating that this relief's future will be evaluated well before end of 2024 "with consideration given to suitable revisions where necessary."


More generally, Paschal Donohoe's employees are reluctant to change the CGT system as it stands.

In its most recent CGT study, TSG 2022 came to the conclusion that while a lower CGT rate would have an immediate impact on the Exchequer, there are concerns about the possible level of additional revenue this might generate and its stability over the long term.

According to Donohoe's experts, a fall in the CGT rate poses a large danger of significant deadweight because many assets would've been sold at a given time regardless of the rate.


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